Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sweat, Heat and Curry!

Hi everyone!

I hope that you have all found your way to my blog! This way I can write more (they restrict how long e-mails can be) and I dont have to e-mail everyone! You can also show whoever you want as well, share the wealth from Sri Lanka! So after my 29 hours of traveling I MADE IT! I'm here in once piece with all my luggage and most of my wits about me! I'm a little jet lagged, but there is no time to stop and rest! I have been GO, GO, GO since i stepped foot in this country! I was very nerve racking traveling by myself to this country. Usually blending in is a bit easier, but not here! Not that i wasnt a specticle anyways being the only while girl for miles, but i had quite the time trying to manuver my luggage around the airport looking for some taxi service which was suppose to take me to my hotel! jeesh wasnt that a site! But i found it, and they got me there safely. I actually arrived on their Independance Day, so there were roads shut off and detours to take. After settling into my room in Colombo, I took a shower and hit the hay.
Today I got up nice and early (3:00am! My sleep cylce is messed up!) took my time getting ready, a desk officer from Projects-abroad picked me up around 9:00 and we made the voyage down to Panadura which is the town i'll be living in for the next 3 months! He gave me the tour, introduced me to my host family that I'll be staying with, and then took me to the hospital i'll be working at. Holy smokes... what a difference in medical care. Gurneys or "stretchers" look like the army ones you see in the show *MASH*, completely metal and no matress! I only got a glimps of the ER and boy was that a site as well! I havent actually had an official tour of the facility yet because the doc wasnt there, but tomorrow i'll get to see what it's really like! I cant wait!!!! So curry and rice isnt so bad!!! I have actually had good experences with it so far. Though i'll let you know in a couple days how my bowels like it! anyhoo... i guess that is it for now.

Way more from Sir Lanka when i get a chance!


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